A well-educated, well-trained, and readily available workforce is vital to the region’s business community. The Central Louisiana Regional Chamber of Commerce supports area workforce programs, as well as initiatives that address the mismatch in labor supply and demand. The Chamber also recognizes that public education is essential to business. An educated citizenry is critical to a competent workforce. Therefore, the Chamber supports programs, policies, and legislation that encourage world class public education systems and enables and fosters collaboration between the education and business communities.
Mission: Create a competitive advantage for Chamber members by growing and improving the workforce through results-driven education and workforce initiatives and partnerships.
Vision: Facilitate partnerships that produce a globally-competitive workforce.
Plan of Work:
- Maintain Work Ready Community Goals
- Business community will partner with higher education to facilitate internships and apprenticeships
- Support character education and work-ethic development in schools
- Research early childhood development opportunities for Chamber involvement